Album of photos of my family: it was only to reduce the photos on the computer, print, then cut the leaves, joins them, glue the spine with white gauze and wood glue and dry after joining the cover of the book (hint suggested by my boyfriend Nuno Ferreira)

A tolha bordada foi feita com um resto de linho da bainha de umas calças e bordada com linha colorida pela minha mãe.
The embroidered towel was made with some leftover linen sheath pants and embroidered with colored thread for my mother.

Lápis de cor feitos com pontas de palitos pintados posteriormente com canetas de filtro.
Crayons made with toothpicks later painted with filter pens

Brinquedos dos ovos Kinder Surpresa servem para brinquedos para o quarto das crianças
Restinhos de madeira foram utilizados para fazer a mesinha que está no no quarto da bebé.
The Toys of Kinder Surprise eggs are for toys for the nursery
Leftovers of wood were used to make the table that is in the baby's room.
Pauzinhos de gelado servem para fazer soalho e rodapés
Álbum com fotos do casamento do meu irmão no chão junto à mesinha pé de galo foi impresso em casa
Restinhos de madeira foram utilizados para fazer quadros para a sala de estar.
Ice cream chopsticks are use to make floor and skirtings.
Album with photos of the wedding of my brother on the floor next to the table cocksfoot was printed at home.
Leftovers of wood were used to make frames for the living room
Restos de tecidos foram utilizados para fazer toalhas para o armário da casa de banho
Ponto cruz para fazer tapete da cozinha e o tapete da casa de banho.
Remains of fabrics were used to make towels for the bathroom cabinet
Cross stitch to make kitchen rug and carpet bathroom.

Ponto cruz para fazer uma toalhinha para a cozinha com a inicial do meu nome “B”.
Cross stitch to make a washcloth into the kitchen with the initial of my name "B".

Prendas de natal foram caixas feitas e forradas por mim
The embroidered towel was made with some leftover linen sheath pants and embroidered with colored thread for my mother.
O sabonete da casa de banho foi feito com Massa Fimo amassado em forma de sabonete.
The soap in the bathroom was done with Fimo Clay crumpled mass-shaped soap.
The soap in the bathroom was done with Fimo Clay crumpled mass-shaped soap.
Os tripés que vem nas caixas das pizzas servem para fazer mesinhas, depois de forrados com renda.
The tripod that comes in boxes of pizzas to serve tables, having lined with lace.

The tripod that comes in boxes of pizzas to serve tables, having lined with lace.

Lápis de cor feitos com pontas de palitos pintados posteriormente com canetas de filtro.
Crayons made with toothpicks later painted with filter pens

Restinhos de madeira foram utilizados para fazer a mesinha que está no no quarto da bebé.
The Toys of Kinder Surprise eggs are for toys for the nursery
Leftovers of wood were used to make the table that is in the baby's room.

Álbum com fotos do casamento do meu irmão no chão junto à mesinha pé de galo foi impresso em casa
Restinhos de madeira foram utilizados para fazer quadros para a sala de estar.
Ice cream chopsticks are use to make floor and skirtings.
Album with photos of the wedding of my brother on the floor next to the table cocksfoot was printed at home.
Leftovers of wood were used to make frames for the living room

Restos de tecidos foram utilizados para fazer toalhas para o armário da casa de banho
Ponto cruz para fazer tapete da cozinha e o tapete da casa de banho.
Remains of fabrics were used to make towels for the bathroom cabinet
Cross stitch to make kitchen rug and carpet bathroom.

Ponto cruz para fazer uma toalhinha para a cozinha com a inicial do meu nome “B”.
Cross stitch to make a washcloth into the kitchen with the initial of my name "B".

Prendas de natal foram caixas feitas e forradas por mim
O lacinho no topo da árvore de Natal também fui eu que acrescentei.
Gift Christmas boxes were lined and made by me
The bow on top of the Christmas tree also I did.
As cortinas das águas furtadas foram feitas com a renda de uma peça de lingerie estragada.
The curtains of the attic were made with the income of a spoiled piece of lingerie.

Um anel de missangas transformou-se num colar para o guarda joias da Lizzie.
A ring of beads became a necklace to the box of jewerly of Lady Lizzie.
Nas diversas fotografias podem ver caixas de sabonetes, Wiskas, Tide, papa do bebé, pasta dos dentes, Litpon Ice Tea, pacote do leite, Dodots, as fraldas, casinha de brincar, Nesquik, Kellogs, caixa dos lápis de cor, monopolio, jogo de xadrez, cartas, dominó… Gráficos retirados do site do Jim Printabels e da Mini Boop, podem ser impressos em qualquer impressora, contudo dá para notar que algumas impressões são de qualidade muito superior, essas foram impressas pela Ginocar-Artes Gráficas do Porto http://www.ginocar.pt/(Obrigado Nuno! És o namorado mais querido do mundo!) e montadas por mim.
In the pictures you can see several boxes of soap, Wiskas, Tide, Pope Baby, toothpaste, Litpon Ice Tea, milk package, Dodots, diapers, playing house, Nesquik, Kellogs, box of crayons, monopoly, game of chess, cards, dominoes ... Charts from the webpage of Jim Printabels and Mini Boop, can be printed on any printer, but can notice that some impressions are of much higher quality, these were printed by Graphic Arts Ginocar-Oporo: t http://www.ginocar.pt/ (Thanks Nuno!'re the world's most beloved boyfriend!) and assembled by me.

Imaginação a mais...
To much imagination...
Gift Christmas boxes were lined and made by me
The bow on top of the Christmas tree also I did.
The curtains of the attic were made with the income of a spoiled piece of lingerie.
Leque feito com um pedacinho de renda e cartão duro pintado e colado, depois foi só aplicar o lacinho vermelho.
Fan made with a bit of lace and painted hardboard and pasted, it was only after applying red bow.
Fan made with a bit of lace and painted hardboard and pasted, it was only after applying red bow.

A ring of beads became a necklace to the box of jewerly of Lady Lizzie.

In the pictures you can see several boxes of soap, Wiskas, Tide, Pope Baby, toothpaste, Litpon Ice Tea, milk package, Dodots, diapers, playing house, Nesquik, Kellogs, box of crayons, monopoly, game of chess, cards, dominoes ... Charts from the webpage of Jim Printabels and Mini Boop, can be printed on any printer, but can notice that some impressions are of much higher quality, these were printed by Graphic Arts Ginocar-Oporo: t http://www.ginocar.pt/ (Thanks Nuno!'re the world's most beloved boyfriend!) and assembled by me.

Imaginação a mais...
To much imagination...
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