Não satisfeita com a casa decidi que faltava um jardim!
Pusemos a nossa criatividade à solta e uma caixa de vinho em madeira (à qual retiramos duas laterais), papel a imitar relva (comprado na papelaria Fernandes) e papel com tijolos impresso do site do Jim printables e eis que o jardim ficou um espanto.
As flores secas foram compradas nas floristas do Mercado do Bolhão no Porto.
O mobiliário de jardim, os tijolos do chão, as grades de ferro e os pilares foram comprados na Dolls House Emporium.
Not satisfied with the dollshouse I decided to make a garden!
We put our creativity on and with a box of wine in wood (to which both sides withdrew), paper to imitate grass and printed paper with bricks on the site of Jim printables and behold, the garden was a wonder.
The dried flowers were purchased at florists on the Bolhão Market in Oporto.
The garden furniture, bricks floor, iron railings and pillars were purchased from the Dolls House Emporium.
O mobiliário de jardim, os tijolos do chão, as grades de ferro e os pilares foram comprados na Dolls House Emporium.
Not satisfied with the dollshouse I decided to make a garden!
We put our creativity on and with a box of wine in wood (to which both sides withdrew), paper to imitate grass and printed paper with bricks on the site of Jim printables and behold, the garden was a wonder.
The dried flowers were purchased at florists on the Bolhão Market in Oporto.
The garden furniture, bricks floor, iron railings and pillars were purchased from the Dolls House Emporium.

Como os pilares vinham em madeira em bruto pintei-os com verniz das unhas preto. Não só evitei comprar uma lata de litro de tinta preta como não precisei envernizar as peças no fim. Foi dois em um!
As the pillars came in raw wood I painted them with black nail polish. Not only avoided buying a liter can of black paint and varnish the pieces. It was two in one!
As the pillars came in raw wood I painted them with black nail polish. Not only avoided buying a liter can of black paint and varnish the pieces. It was two in one!
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